Millions of players. Millions of winners. Thousands of good causes. One brand making extraordinary happen for everyone.

One brand. One voice. Tone of voice is the glue which brings all these great games and good causes together.


Whatever the game, occasion or the cause, there are two big words to keep in mind when writing for The National Lottery:


At The National Lottery, joy isn’t just reserved for jackpot winners and freshly made millionaires. We take joy in the little wins too, and even more so in giving back to and celebrating the good causes we support.

By sharing the joy that we create across the nation, we’ll captivate players both now and in the future.

They should feel it in the way we talk, with a tone that's upbeat, confident and full of imagination-sparking, smile-raising moments.


These games are made to be enjoyed by everyone. We want to unite players of all backgrounds through the simple act of crossing their fingers and imagining a win.

And that's just the start. We also want to build a community out of the amazing things players make possible through National Lottery funding.

How can we do that? By choosing language that puts players at ease, terms that they're familiar with and messaging that invites them to become part of something bigger.

Tone of voice examples

To get you started, here's some examples of how those principles comes to life in shorter messages: call-to-actions, headlines etc.

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The games that keep on giving

From refurbishing heritage sites close-to-home, to funding the next out-of-this-world blockbuster, players of the National Lottery are doing something amazing every time they play- and we want them to know all about it.

Lead line

Thanks to the players

We want our players to feel connected to the joy they help create, so we lead with this tagline - buoyant, appreciative and direct.

Website example

Website example

Good causes

Good causes messaging should be weaved through a players journey on our digital touchpoints.



Set limits. Get instant reminders. Take time out. With our handy toolkit, staying in control couldn't be simpler.

Why it’s ‘joyful’

Even when tackling a serious issue, we never want to come across as cold. Relaxed language and simple sentences help to demonstrate the ease of our player protection measures e.g. "...couldn't be simpler".

Why it’s ‘inclusive’

Reassuring, approachable language that speaks to players directly e.g. "handy toolkit", helps to encourage responsible play and behaviour.

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