Millions of players. Millions of winners. Thousands of good causes. One brand making extraordinary happen for everyone.

We love a winner!
And we especially love to help them celebrate.


This is to be used at the end of all of our social media content.

The Ball Drop should be used as the main endframe

Simple Rolling Ball endframe for use in films which need a gentle conclusion

Simple Type Animated endframe which concludes on the Smiley logo

The combination of Ball Drop, Type Animation and Smiley

Full Publicity

To highlight our winners, their stories, and what they intend to do with their winnings.


Stories - Stickers


Full PR Toolkit

We use this kit of parts when we celebrate our winners.

Winners interview

Static photo of the winner

Polaroid static photo of the winners

Part Publicity

For winners who are partially anonymous, we share the excitement of their win and their rough location.

Full PR Toolkit

We use this kit of parts when we celebrate our winners.

Simple Location Winner features an image with space for the location and amount of the win to be updated

Graphical Location Winner features the amount won followed by an image

No Publicity

For winners who are completely anonymous, we feature what they might do with their winnings.

Jackpot / Top Prize

For our winners who choose to be fully anonymous, we use this range of elements.

Graphic-led Jackpot Claimed is a longer piece of content which can be updated with details on what the winner will do

Footage-led Jackpot Claimed  is shorter and combines film content with a graphic announcement

Unclaimed Prizes

To build excitement around unclaimed prizes, we share the locations where winning tickets have been  bought.

Check Your Tickets

We use this range of content to build excitement around our unclaimed prizes.

Simple Check Your Ticket footage

Check Your Ticket Loop, which includes a 3D reveal element.

Check Your Tickets - 3 - Proposed Shoot

Coming Soon


Text animation led with footage
of store opening.


Static image of newsagent with copy inserted on screen.

Graphic and 3D led in-store winner.

Graphic-led with footage of a player.

WInning ticket online home screen

Static image with copy inserted on screen.

Graphic and 3D led online winner.

Time’s Running Out

Graphic-led with the 3D hourglass.

Graphic-led with image and type animation of the ticket location.

User Calls

To spark our audience’s imagination, we create fun content using real footage from the phone calls informing our winners.

Please make sure that your sound is on!

Full length

15 seconds

6 seconds

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