Logo Lotto White

The one, the only, the original. This is the game that brings people together up and down the UK.

The one, the only, the original. This is the game that brings people together up and down the UK and Northern Ireland.

Lotto has an iconic place in the fabric of the UK - and we use imagery throughout that celebrates it.

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Core photography principles

To bring the Lotto identity to life, there are a few simple principles to follow.

All games imagery must


Capture moments of joy that feel candid and fully in the moment, never staged. And always feature a mixture of sexes, ethnicities and ages over 25.


All imagery should feel bright, colourful and full of optimism – using natural light whenever possible.


Less is more, so keep imagery simple with an obvious focal point

All Lotto imagery must


Use game red throughout – from pops of colour in clothing and props, to full-bleed backgrounds – to aid navigation and bring Lotto to life.


Imagery should feel welcoming, dynamic and full of life, to capture the sense that this is the nation’s game and helping the viewer to see themselves there – whether that be in the shoes of a winner or the location we’re highlighting.


The people and communities we feature should be a mixture of sexes, ethnicities and ages over 25 - to highlight the inclusive spirit of this game.

What to photograph

This is the game for people from all over the UK. So feature people, places and things that showcase everyday, modern life across the length and breadth of the nation.

The visuals below are intended to be inspirational, rather than instructive. Images shown are not for external publication.

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